Saturday, May 20, 2023

Panajpur Express by Prem L. Nain | Book Review

 Book review:

This book is set up in 1935 when British ruled India and the storyline meticulously depicts the mindset of people and how the protagonist, Paresh faces so many hurdles as a laThough The work presents the struggles of the honest and sincere solicitor during the interregnum of his five-year sojourn in Panajpur before his growing reputation.

He faces issues of Barriers of nation, caste, colour and creed in the matter of food, clothing and housing. His encounters with the senior lawyers of the town are fraught with conflict. The use of money power, either to settle scores or to undermine the law, results in tragic consequences in some cases. The unholy nexus between self-serving lawyers and corrupt police officers has also been exposed in many of the episodes.

The author provides a vivid depiction of British colonial history during the crucial decade just prior to India’s independence. He pours light on the growing national movement under the Indian National Congress, the role of Mahatma Gandhi, the Muslim League, the “two-nation theory”, and the growing demands for Poorna Swarajya . Narration of that period is done in lucid manner making it a compelling read.

Overall, Panajpur Express is a gripping tale of historical period where Indians were ill treated and depicts in an adroit manner the long held struggle of our top leaders. It also depicts how seeds of two nation were sowed in the minds of leaders and it successfully grew sooner. Though a lengthy read but its interesting to read the legal drama and their technicalities.

Recommend to all jurists and lovers of historical fiction!

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