Lifestyle by Kasey Fallon | Blitz


On the outskirts of Philadelphia, the LifeStyle Club caters to individuals with certain... tastes. The only club of its kind, LifeStyle is more than happy to offer possibilities for all.

A born Dominant, owning LifeS with his three best friends suits Grayson perfectly. His new fight arena is just the thing LifeS needs. All he needs is a fighter.

Lexi hasn't needed anyone since she was twelve. Plagued with PTSD, she runs her own gym, sets her own rules, and lets no one bring her down. But Lexi has a secret. One that threatens to control her... unless she can find a Dom that will.

All she needs is a Dom.

All the stalker sees is her.

Welcome to the LifeStyle.

Will be found here come release day:

