Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Attraction by Nikhil Patel | Book review

Book review:

Attraction or love is a bit difficult topic to decide. Many times women or girls fail to find the reason behind someone stalking them or they find someone attractive. In this book, one gets to know the basic difference between attraction and love. I appreciate the way the author poured light on decision-making at the correct timing and the consequences of not taking any stand.

The story follows the story of a young, beautiful and single child of her parents, Priya. She is given complete freedom to make her decisions and her parents struggle hard to feed her. But only taking good care is enough? Certainly not, there are so many other things that are essential for the parent-child relationship. Her journey of feeling attraction starts in 9th grade. Its frequency changes from Priyanshu, Chetan, Gaurang Sir, Dhruv and then finally she got married to Ketan.

Priya's parents expect the best for her and marry her to Ketan. But life is not full of roses. Neither everyone receives everything. So she gets love from her husband but a trivial family. Later on the urge, Ketan departs from his family and decides to live separately. They have a beautiful daughter but financially they are limited to sources. They live a simple life. It is intriguing to read about her haunting past, her traumas, her longing urge for sex or a reliable partner and a luxurious life. Will her decisions get her in any trouble? Will she ever repent or realise her deeds?

The author has meticulously woven a storyline depicting the flaws of not restricting children for their wrong deeds. He sheds light on the consequences of the wrong decisions of Priya and the right decisions of leaving Priya as a friend by Bhumika. The language and narrative are intriguing and evocative. I do not prefer the fact of only showing her negative or wrong decisions. 

Overall, "Attraction" is a thought-provoking read. However, it highlights the negative impact of wrong decisions. It's a compelling read, do grab it!

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