Thursday, May 30, 2024

R.S.V.P.: A Novel by Ruchira Khanna | Book review

 Book: R.S.V.P. : A Novel 
Author: Ruchira Khanna
Publisher: ‎ Independently Published 
Genre: Contemporary Fiction
Rating: 5/5

Book review:
This book is insightful about finding your way through hardships and what’s important in life. The book is full of truthful and moving experiences in a refreshing way.
The story begins with the presentation of Jay and his canine, Yogi. Jay is an introvert, kind, and meticulously convinces his visitors of the event even though they could not think of it. He has been dumped by his better half and has lost all his affection forever. Enter his cousin Gina, who pushes him towards his life, and he chooses to go on a journey—just with Yogi. Life again takes a turn when he is wrecked and arrives on the opposite side of the Pacific Sea, on an island where cash has no worth.
Jay's life flips around when he gets adrift somewhere in the middle of the ocean on a fabulous paradise-like island, where he learns the genuine significance of presence. Each inquiry regarding his life is handled in a way that assists him with relinquishing the outer stuff of realism and embracing existence with appreciation, completely without assumptions.
Fresh injuries are mended, close-to-home scratches are investigated, and connections and their significance are mulled over. Attempt as I would, I couldn't resist the urge to pose a couple of inquiries to myself as I read along. 
I admired the scene when there was a book club meeting at his place where all the reviewers met to discuss the books they read. Gina was busy hearing the conversations and felt the need to read the book, like many other non-readers. I was mesmerized by this chapter, enduring me in the memories of book club meetings online and offline.
The author's composing style is drawing in and vivid, keeping readers enamoured from start to finish. The pacing is even, with snapshots of tension, delicacy, and extraordinary sentiment consistently woven together. Every section unwinds new layers of the characters, drawing readers deeper into their lives and their common processes.
Each chapter begins with an inspiring quote that tells the reader about the chapter. The chemistry between a dog and his master is beautifully depicted. It is clear that only animals are our true friends, as humans are selfish beings.
By and large, I cherished the book and emphatically advised individual readers to check it out. This book is a must-read for individuals who like finding out about existence and pondering life. I cherished it. 

Purchase: RSVP A Novel

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ 
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla 
in collaboration with Zariya Healings.

#bookblogger #bookreview #rsvpanovel #bookchatter #bookishlife2022_ #bookrecommendations #books #read #readers 


  1. Sounds like an intriguing book. Being stranded on an island may not be a new concept for a creator, but as you said the writing is good and the scenes vividly described. An interesting read for sure.

  2. What a delightful dive into "R.S.V.P.: A Novel"! Your review perfectly captures the essence of Ruchira Khanna's storytelling. It’s refreshing to see a book that intertwines heart and insight so seamlessly. Definitely adding this to my reading list. Thanks for the fantastic recommendation!

  3. What a delightful dive into "R.S.V.P.: A Novel"! Your review perfectly captures the essence of Ruchira Khanna's storytelling. It’s refreshing to see a book that intertwines heartand insight so seamlessly. Definitely adding this to my reading list. Thanks for the fantastic recommendation!

  4. RSVP, the love the name and the cover of the book is delightful too. Your review is compelling too although I can never really connect with pets and animals. But I think I'll put this book away in my TBR.

  5. RSVP - a name which is quite out of the box title of a book compared to the one that we in general get to see in book work. I can get a glimpse of the book and what the author try to present through her book and I cant stop appreciating your skill of presenting a perfect review. Keep sharing such genuine and honest reviews it will help readers like me to pick to the right book. God bless you

  6. This sounds like an interesting book. Especially the title RSVP : A Novel is so different. There must be interesting anecdotes of being stranded on an island with a pet. I was part of a Bookwormz group for many years. We used to read the same book and then meet and discuss the book. Each had an interesting take on the same book.

  7. Your review is so insightful and heartfelt. I've been looking for a new book to dive into, and your reflections on the characters and plot have convinced me to give it a try. Thanks for highlighting what makes this novel special!

  8. Looks like an intriguing book. Added it to my already long TBR list!

  9. The book sounds interesting. Sometimes we need a reminder about what is most important in our life. I will surely check it out.

  10. The plot sounds interesting. I am surely curious about the part of being stranded in an island. Thanks for sharing the review.

  11. Book club's been quite a while that I have attended one of those. I love contemporary fiction. Will pick up this book.

  12. A different kind of a story. Well written review--thanks Shifali for sharing. And because its 5/5, I'm sure it's a great book.

  13. The title is interesting and the story looks interesting too Shifali. I don't like self help books that just preach. This has a story and it is also like a fable so it would be nice to read it and ... u r vouching for it... that counts too😊

  14. i just finished reading and reviewing this book as well. I just had an issue with the pacing and also wanted more space for Gina's character. Otherwise a great for me too. Loved the journey of Jay's healing and self-acceptance

  15. The book sure sounding intriguing and you have giving and interesting outline of the story in your own words. Will definitely check it out.

  16. RSVP - the name of the book which is quite out of the box title of a book compared to the one that we in general get to read. I loved the way you detailed the book and wonderfully reviewed it. Would like to give it a read.

  17. I appreciate how each chapter starts with an inspiring quote, setting the tone for introspection and discovery throughout the book.

  18. The book must indeed be well-written if it made you pause and enquire too. I find the theme to be a tough one for any person and if they can survive and become the better for it, its a testament to their spirit.

  19. Some of the best lessons in our lives can be invariably around unplanned travel experiences. This seems like a book that must be read and absorbed at leisure. Seems like a good read.

  20. I really like the title and the lovely cover of the book. Your review convinced me to give it a try with your thoughts on the characters and plot. Thanks for sharing what makes this novel special.
    - Anjali Tripathi

  21. Sometimes the simplest looking stories have the deepest life learnings. R.S.V.P.: A Novel seems to be of the same category. I think I'm going to pick this book!

  22. Interesting storyline. I love how you wrote your book review which made me intrigued about it. I wasn't as excited about it at first but as I continued reading along, you made me think twice about how I see this book. - MommyWithAGoal

  23. Sounds like a book with many interesting layers.
    Noor Anand Chawla


For any query, do message me. I will surely try to resolve at my earliest.

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