Sunday, September 1, 2024

I want a boy by Dr Aruna Kalra | Boy or a girl? | Indian Obsession | Book review


Book review:

As a mother, at times I feel pinched whenever I am reminded of having a son. Whether a lady has any guilt of not giving birth to a baby boy but she is repeatedly taunted as if done a big crime. When I read this title, "I want a boy,"  I got personally attached to it somehow. This book is a memoir of the author, where she shares her personal experiences and how around 1.4 million female foetuses are aborted every year.

She begins by narrating stories of her patients and how they are chasing in their quest for a boy, irrespective of their health. I found it painful when women are rigorously thinking of their future after death and ignoring the bond they are having on earth. Some women didn't have any attendants who could provide any clothes or food for them after weary labour pain.

The author shares that even she was the eldest sister among three sisters, but they were never asked to bother about anything else. But after her delivery, when she joined work, she was helpless as she had to hand over her baby girl to her family to take care of, but they didn't like that even. This episode reminded me of many hardships and struggles a woman faces when she has to leave her baby among those who aren't worth it.

The language of the book is lucid and straightforward for any reader to get intrigued by the content. Her indirect approach of sharing her personal experience or episodes of other women whom she helped in delivery are heartbreaking and made me cry many times. 

I personally felt that the plea for a male child or heir resonates everywhere, whether in upmarket maternity homes or in chaotic government hospitals where the author did her three-year residency at the start of her career.

Overall, this is a powerful book, peppered with personal anecdotes, selective abortions, and outdated rituals for a boy baby that our society endorses, all of which strip women of their self-respect, autonomy, and well-being. Highly recommended! 

 This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024

Purchase: I want a Boy

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