Monday, August 8, 2022

Book review : The Hidden Gems

 Book review : 

Gems are of great value if seen from the eye of a real jeweller. So is the book so precisely and in an incredible way giving words to all immensely reserved or good listeners.

The author has shared the thoughts, beliefs and how any person reacts to the circumstances in this ongoing stressful life. He pays light on our daily routine and how we deal with things nowadays which is far different from age old traditions prevalent in India especially ,i.e., spending time with family, sharing your thoughts , expressing your joys and sorrows , Me time , spending stress free vacations and many more. 

He enlightens the fact that electronic gadgets or new trend of posting your opinions or pictures or sending emoticons does not fill the void of sharing your feelings face to face to the concerned person.

The ways these little thoughts or deep insights are woven in this book through poetry verses and little articles steals my heart.  Such a deep insight in a lucid manner is extraordinary texture. He guides to introspect yourself and instead of bombarding on others just pause and think about the other side of opinion calmly and then respond not react.

I loved each prose of this book. I would recommend this book to all who love self help books as well as to others who want to make themselves a brand, just give this book a read. You will really relish each verse of it.

Happy Reading!

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