Book review : A Trip to Remember

 Book review :

This book is a collection of 11 short stories that pay an enthralling impact . Each story pours a different colour or shade of life such as love, betrayal, revenge , sexuality  and many more. 

Each story us weaved marvellously stating the way people do respond when critical situations arise despite being thoughtful or bit more mature to handle things. But the way things mishandle leave a deep scar on any person's heart that is hard to demolish. 

Though all the stories are heart touching but I liked Save my Marriage,  Revenge Unfolded , Morning thrills bit more.

The author has tried to pen down those facets of life that we generally aware of but don't accept or it's too late to accept the issues. To articulate such stories is quite a challenging job but kudos to the author for touching the strings of these topics in an artistic manner.

I liked reading these stories that laid a deep impact on me and I am really touched by the emotions that overwhelmed.  I would recommend this book to all.

Happy Reading! 
