Monday, June 5, 2023

The Last First Date by Hayley Quinn | BOOK Review

Book review :

The book is an enjoyable, lighthearted and cute romance that keeps you engrossed throughout. An utterly hilarious laugh-out-loud romance that will have you grinning from ear to ear from the first page to the last!

The book centers around 31 year old Helen Pines, whose last boyfriend broke up with her a year ago, and is now engaged. Helen thought he was the one even though none of her friends and family ever thought so.

On a trip home to visit her parents and her nan, Helen signs up for an online dating app. Her Nan G convinced her that she needs to do this. Helen meets Brody in the app and agrees to meet him for lunch the next day. They have a wonderful first date and he says he'll be in touch to plan their second date. In Brody's profile on the dating app he said he was looking for his last first date.

Helen is confused as she never hears back from Brody. It turns out the dating app crashed and all contacts and info was lost. The app started up again, but nothing was left from before the crash. Helen and Brody had never swapped contact info as they communicated through the app. Now Helen has no way to contact Brody and vice versa. Helen fantasizes about Brody and their date and truly believes he is the one. She is convinced she must find him and with help from her friends sets out to do just that. Through some crazy adventures to find Brody life still happens and she meets new friends along the way. 

The characters were well developed, witty banter, chemistry, and creatively written. The supporting characters were fantastic and such diversity. The author’s writing style was complex, emotional, and kept me engaged. 

Overall, The book is a heart touching romcom story that makes you laugh , cry and feel so many emotions. Do grab this book for easy going romance book.

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