Tuesday, May 14, 2024

From Drift to Shift: How Change Brings True Meaning and Happiness to Your Work and Life by Jody B. Miller | Book review

Author: Jody B. Miller

Publisher: Morgan James Publishing

Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 282 
Ratings: 4/5

Book review:

"From Drift to Shift" affirms what we as a whole naturally know about the shortcomings we possess, however again and again neglects but when we understand our spot on the planet and reach for our most elevated ideal, astonishing things can occur.

In part one of the book, she strolls us through the justifications for why moves some of the time become inescapable. In Part Two, the author guides about improvements or arrangements with which we precisely ought to make that shift, while Parts Three and Part Four spotlight on the most proficient method to move and how to guide your life in the correct course after the shift, separately.

The book is written in a conversational, engaging style - maybe you're plunking down with the individual over a feast and they are sharing their story, including the bare essential and extreme stuff, and you are generously getting it. Every one of the people began by carrying on with a day-to-day existence that was not their ideal, whether willingly or by the existence conditions that they were naturally introduced to, yet she doesn't debase their prior selves for the decisions that might have added to their despondency. All things being equal, she verifiably outlines the decisions and their effect, while additionally recognizing that those effects were vital to accomplish the shift that accordingly occurred.

This book utilizes a bit-by-bit way to deal with catching the idea of moving. In four parts, the author discusses understanding the need to make a change in "Why Shift?". Then, she makes sense of different cycles of moving, "When to Move", and "How to Move" Lastly, encourages the reader on the best way to feel in the wake of going through a change in "After the Shift". After dissecting and thinking about the sections of the book, one might become familiar with a portion of the right perspectives to embrace in the journey for bliss or essentially keeping up with it.

The author's portrayal is exceptionally elegant and she figures out how to persuade us that we as a whole need to make a change in our lives sooner or later en route to track down equilibrium, significance, and joy. Every individual highlighted in the book has effectively found their energy, done the best that they can with it, and emerged as victors in their lives. Furthermore, genuinely, why stay caught in enduring while clearing our path through it could lead us to a delightful way out on the opposite side?

All the stories were inspiring and encouraged the reader to fight for themselves as life is a blessing once attained and will never be back once gone. I liked the takeaways shared after each chapter or story. It indirectly highlighted the need to sustain and fight back all hurdles on the way. But I didn't like the use of the word S*** and F*** many times in the book. 

In general, "From Drift to Shift" was a pleasant read, and it has made me look at my life through an alternate focal point. It was elegantly composed and a fast read.

#NonFiction #bookishlife2022_ #bookblogger #bookishcommunity 

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