Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Teen's guide to saving the World | Book review

 Book review :

"Words will be just words,
Till you bring them to life".
The book is meant for all persons who admire and strongly wish to bring a drastic positive change in our country. Being an Indian, I know how our developing country was facing amidst covid and after covid. To help other people the first thing one needs to acknowledge is how to change yourself. If person inside each Indian transforms for better then the day is not far when we can see poverty free India. With this vision and wish to inculcate superheroes in each individual, the little but extraordinary author , Aaditya has shared inspiring stories.

In this book,  he has shared about the Teen heroes who are saving the world. His little steps in enlightening the youngsters or teens and hence saving the world. Each chapter begins with an inspiring quote that motivates the reader to work for better India. Of all the concerned issues ,I liked Water Warriors. Though all of us are aware of water scarcity in many areas but hardly we find people saving water in their daily chores.

Aaditya has manifested simple but practical methods in utilising teens energy and power in saving the world. The book cover is so much revealing and attractive that the curiosity to delve deep in the topics grows ten times. Language of the book is beginner's friendly and his deep research is vividly depicted.

Overall, the book is a thought provoking and inspiring book. His words I want to quote :
" We can choose to be bystanders Or we can choose to be heroes.
Individually, We are kids. Together , we can save this world."


  1. To the point review and the book really seems to be read by everyone. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Good choice 4 young oncee

  3. Good choice for young once...

  4. Agreed with your review.. I liked this one too.. and yes even a single step counts 😁

  5. YA(Young Adult) books are always worth reading.
    Loved the way you reviewed this book.
    I love to read this book though.

  6. What an eye-catchy review!


For any query, do message me. I will surely try to resolve at my earliest.

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