Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Book review : Stoic stories

 Book review :

This book includes stories about stoicism, just a byword for reason or philosophy: it is what we would do anyway, had we thought about it long and hard enough. We all, through our mistakes and ongoing routines at times become stoical. The author shares few such stories that has a deep impact and thought provoking.

 The author has done a lot of research, from an extensive array of sources, was put into pulling the book together. Personally I cannot help feeling that a remarkable work done by him. It assumes like reaching philosophy  classes in colleges.

I admire the writing style and a deep impact pouring these stories. I loved reading this book a lot. I am thankful to netgalley for giving me this book in return of an honest review.

Happy Reading!

Book review : Words we cannot Say

 Book review: 

This book is a intruiging and thought provoking. The story revolves around friendship, pregnancy,  sisterhood, marriage and divorce. The author pours light on three women who indulge in their problems and seek solution with the help of each other. It helps in finding oneself, accepting the truths , experiencing loss , love and hope.

 They each have their own interests, beliefs, desires, and ideas of what they want out of life, but their bond throughout the book grows stronger as their individual journeys come together, diverge, and join again. The character development in this book is spectacular and it was a privilege to watch these three women grieve and grow together. 

I loved reading this impactful book. I am thankful to netgalley and the publisher for giving me this book in return of an honest review.
Happy Reading !

Book review : Someone in Time

 Book review :

Someone in Time features sixteen stories. These wonderful tales are joined by stories of scientists falling forward and backward in time, using both elaborate machines and something not a lot unlike the dreaming of those classic tales of the 19th century to visit alternate versions of the past, to touch people who would otherwise be out of reach, and to join them together. Some of the stories are funny, some are sad and poignant, some are tales of fresh love and some of love forever lost, but they all are rather wonderful.

 Romance itself is something that’s open to interpretation. There are straightforward matters of the heart and there are literary and scientific romances of many kinds. Many stories is a mix—matters of the heart blending with matters of the world. For the most part, though, I think you will find, as I did, stories that delight and bring a lot of joy.

Exploring these tales was quite adorable. They left quite an impression on me. I’m glad I got to read this even if I was a bit late and I’ll definitely recommend to anyone who likes stories about love. 

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Book review: i'm with you always and forever

 Book review:

🌸 Being a mother, the biggest gift of God to women. Life drastically changes for women after giving birth to their young ones. For a mother, her child us her priority. 

In this book , the author shares the emotions and teachings a mother gives to her child saying , "I'm with you always and forever."

🌸 The author has well penned the lessons from a mother's experiences for a better future and protection of her child. She has penned down each lesson in short chapters briefing what to do and how to handle the circumstances.

🌸 Quotes from the book I liked :

"Keep moving forward, you only fail when you stop trying."

"Focus on the essential and set aside the trivial."

"Know the power of your mind and program it for happiness and success."

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this life changing self help genre book to all.

🌸Happy Reading!

Book review: Nobody can save me

 Book review:

🌸Everyone has the potential to become a change-maker in someone's life. 

🌸The  Author has played a major role to empower this on as wide a scale as possible. 

 🌸He has pointed out that many of the pitfalls are unconscious by the products of overworked teachers in overflowing classrooms. There are ton of teachers out there but they have to battle tighter schedule teach more topics than ever to more students than ever, it's overwhelming for them.

🌸The book taught us disciplines, hope, positivity etc and by all these things we can easily defeat the mental illness and sufferings of it. 

🌸I have enjoyed from beginning to end. Read this book and learn four parts to the emotional mind map of education. Learn to set the mood, prime the excitement, rhew pleasure centre and get moving!

🌸 Happy Reading!

Monday, August 29, 2022

Book review: Your child is unique

  Book review :

"There is no such thing as a perfect parent, so just be a real one".

🌸 To be a parent is the most precious thing in this world. Many of us are mistaken by how our role of a parent should be played and despite becoming our child's better parents, we unknowingly become the worse part. Isn't it pity? To guide us this book plays a vital part.

🌸 This book shares all essential topics that are really essential to understand as a parent. 

" To parent means to raise".

The book shares all the pregnancy tips as well as tips after giving birth to a baby. It guides for all stages of a child from a new born to toddler to preschoolers and steps ahead.

🌸 The role of a mother and father and how they can improve their tricks to better raise their child. The author has well penned minute details for any parent to understand especially first time parents to understand and imbibe in them those habits for a better parenting.

🌸 As a parent myself, I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all parents.

🌸 Happy Reading!

Book review: Pakhi

 Book review:

🌸 Pakhi , a collection of short poems is a marvellous work of the author. Each poem narrates a different emotion of Pakhi.

🌸 The author has well penned various emotions of a girl and her close ones through her short poems named after pakhi.

Few poems I liked are:

सुनो पाखी

कोशिश जरूर करना पाखी

वक़्त! पाखी

साथ पाखी

Verse from 1 poem हम पाखी :

वो प्यार जो तुम्हें भी है

और मुझे भी

इस प्यार में कोई भी बंदिश नहीं

और ना है कोई आजमाइश

सिफृ हम हैं पाखी

 What a wonderful way of expressing emotions !

🌸I loved reading these heart touching poems and would recommend this book to all. 

🌸 Happy Reading!

Book review: Amma take me to Taj Mahal

 Book review: 

🌸 This book is in series to Amma , Tell me. This time kids are visiting Taj Mahal one of the seven wonders of the world. Taj Mahal , a symbol of an emperor's love for his queen nd the pinnacle of Mughal architecture in India.

🌸 In this book Shiv and Veer walk with Amma through the sprawling gardens, understanding the char bagh and the hidden meaning of this astounding architecture and perfect symmetry. Amma shares with them the historical , cultural and personal stories that lie at the genesis of this magical monument.

🌸 The book cover and the beautiful illustrations of various monuments in this book is really enthralling. It at times feel like really visiting this place rather just reading this book. It takes the reader to the place by colourful pictures and paper quality of this book is magnificent and outstanding.

🌸 I loved reading this book abd enjoyed every bit of the story. I would recommend this fabulous book to all especially kids.

🌸 Happy Reading!

Book review: Tathasu

   Book review:

🌸 As the book name says Tathastu : Your success granted after reading this book its for 100 percent surity. This book guides you the success tips that eventually one moves towards success.

🌸 The book contains small chapters starting with an inspiring quote that one relishes to read further. Each chapter includes little explanation of that topic with a example story to explain it further.

🌸 Quotes are in abundance that change one's life. Sharing few :

"All that we are is the result of what e have thought . The mind is everything. What we think we become." - Buddha

"Dream is the bridge between your present and the desired future. The speed of converting your dream into reality depends on the clarity about why."

🌸 Each chapter ends up giving highlights of it in brief for reminding each point discussed. The author also shares the success mantra for achieving your success for sure.

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all.

🌸 Happy Reading!



Sunday, August 28, 2022

Book review: The pregnant girl

  In collaboration with @bookmist24 and @booksight24 

Book review:

🌸 This book is a story of a lady who gets married at a young age. Has no plans of having a baby yet after three years of her marriage gives birth to a baby boy. The book deals with how a girl or a lady's life is changed drastically after giving birth to her child.

🌸 Inspiring Quotes from book:

" A dream unfulfilled is a destination towards a higher purpose".

"Trust until you dont have I, and if you still don't have it , always believe you are made to have better".

🌸 Her journey of nine months is pretty well crafted by the author. Lots of mood swings with changes in life style and her own personality are very well penned down by the author. Though a new journey for any lady but brings you a lot of happiness internally after being a mother.

🌸 I really enjoyed reading thus book and would recommend this sweet story to all. 

🌸Happy Reading!










Book review: College days

 Book review:

🌸 This book revolves around the protagonist Neil who visits back his college after four years. All his memories get revived on entering back to his college after so long and drinking his tea . 

🌸 College life plays an important role in his life. His friend Chinu and Avani who play a significant role in his life. Their life , humourous events, playful moments, from irresponsible to responsible life changing scenarios all are well narrated.

🌸 Quote from the book I loved the most:

" Life is not a video game where you get numerous chances. You have only one chance to live. Learn to value your life. Don't throw it away like an idiot."

"Love should never suffocate one. It should give freedom to dream and act. People often confuse love with attachment."

🌸 It was quite interesting to find out how Neil finds the love of his life Avani . Will she accept him or not?  Let's find out by reading this book and revive our college memories and friends.

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all.

🌸 Happy Reading!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Book review: Dirty little secrets - a memoir

 Book review :

🌸 This book is a heart - warming autobiographical memoir of an ordinary woman. Her candid journey of one's tryst with discovering herself. 

🌸 Secrets either make us calm for a while but at times create mental issues if elongated at a long time. Such a story of this woman who tries everything for love and purpose. But a life - altering accident changes her life completely. 

🌸 The author has beautifully depicted the change came to her life through mistakes and introspecting herself at worse times is quite inspiring. It creates a sphere to be out of your comfort zones and think on a wide scale for everyone's good.

🌸 The book does hold some strong believes and situations which would in turn make you ponder and also provide strength and courage. This is quite interesting and yet gripping memoir, a real page turner.

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all.

🌸Happy Reading!

Book review: Hai clue

 Book review: 

🌸  Trust is not granted 

By age alone , but is earned,

  The same as respect.

" A man's true measure

Lies not in his work, but in

How his verse lives on."

" Heroes often don't

Live up to reputations,

    In reality." - Quotes from the book.

🌸 This book deals with teenagers and murder mystery. One boy is found murdered in a vacant classroom in school and now police is unable to point out the real culprit. But two kids of his class who knew him found some evidence near his body and decide to investigate about it..

🌸 The author has well penned the characters and the plot is given justice. It was bit humorous and hidden element of introspection in every step is well portrayed.

🌸 It was quite interesting to find out who was the real murderer till the last page. It was completely page turner. I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all.

🌸Happy Reading!

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Book review: The Imperfect Deception

  Book review:

"Hold fast to dreams, 

For if dreams die,

Life is a broken -winged bird 

That cannot fly." - Quote from the book

"Happiness is an attitude.

We either make ourselves miserable,

Or happy and strong.

The amount of work is the same."- Another beautiful quote from the book.

🌸 This book is a contemporary tale of a woman's journey and many shades of her life young heart as she becomes entangled in a series of coincidences and leading her to destruction of herself. It deals with certain ironies of life that many girls face but dont have the courage to change. 

🌸 Justice is made to all characters. The plot is well crafted with a lot of twists and turns. It clearly predicts a second chance slow burn romance with fast paced storyline.

🌸I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all.

🌸 Happy Reading!

Book review: Break free

 Book review: 

🌸 Break free is the second book in series of O'Brians series. I am fortunate to read both the books and its really mesmerizing and full of steamy galore.

🌸 The author has beautifully used the conflicts nd characters from book one as a foundation and moved this in a new direction which really steal hearts. The vivid scenes and beautifully illustrated Ireland evokes a thrill to visit it once.

🌸 The story is about three characters Sondra Keane, Simon O'Brian and Darcie. All the characters play their role meticulously. The plot is well expressed and given full justice.

🌸 This book is a perfect mix of family drama, beautiful settings, romance and secrets that are really intrigued me to unravel it soon. I enjoyed every bit of reading this book.

🌸 I am thankful to Kelly @lovebookstours for gifting me this book in return of an honest review. I would recommend this book to all.

🌸Happy Reading!

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Book review: The Unproposed Guy

 Book review:

🌸 This book is a blend of passion , determination , love and stand up comedy, existential crisis and a lot of sarcasm. The way it teaches a great lesson and inbuilds a stronger personality is really praiseworthy.

🌸 The story revolves around a boy Kevin who is a marvellous entertainer but does not know how to impress a girl. He is supremely talented but an introvert which becomes his biggest shortcoming.

🌸 After being rejected ample no. of times ,he develops an "Existential Crisis". Its interesting to read his emotional turmoil and how he discovers a solution for it.His keen desire of finding for himself a dream girl will be true or not or he will remain as the Unproposed guy.

🌸 The author has well penned all the spheres and given an insight to the mental condition of introverts and how bitterly they suffer at times despite being so talented. The book acts as a mirror to all introverts to change a bit and face the reality.

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all.

🌸Happy Reading!

Book review: I wish i could tell her

 Book review:

🌸 Face is a persona of anyone's character. Is it? Many a gut feeling that a good looking person ia always a right human being. But reality is far different. Depicting a story of a dark colour guy is this book.

🌸 The story revolves around the protagonist Vasu , an amiable and kind hearted boy. Vasu is looked down by others due to his dark complexion. Vasu falls in love with Radhika at her first sight. But his complexion became the barrier on his journey for love. He could hardly state his feelings and end up as only his best friend.

🌸 Despite being so humble , an innocent guy his inferiority complex or consistent degradation by others never let Vasu become an out spoken or having courage to express his feelings.

🌸 The author has beautifully portrayed the characters and vividly provided the deep insights of a person who is having inferiority complex and a girl who judges him by his complexion first. The story is written is a lucid way and good for beginners.

🌸 It's interesting to find out what happens with Vasu. Will he be able to collect courage to express himself or not? Will he get his love of his life? Let's find out .

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this sweet story to all.

🌸Happy Reading!

Book review : Nayika

 Book review: 

🌸 Nayika a thrilling read by Amit Khan shares amazing concepts of feminism, women security and nirbhaya women. He wishes this book to be read by every girl and stop being victim of any aggression or other crimes and start a new journey where she is bold , courageous and self- reliant for any issue.

🌸 The story is about a model , Naina who becomes a victim of rape and get mentally ill. Gradually after treatment and listening to a radio fm show , she starts healing. After gaining her mental stability she soughts to take a revenge. 

🌸 The way she kills and who she kills make her a serial killer. The story is shared about the reason and why she became so. Quite intriguing she evokes as a nayika rather getting cursed by everyone.

🌸 The author has written the book in an interesting way and used general hinglish words commonly used. It's the first book in hindi that I admired reading and preferred usage of english words in hindi as it is trendy nowadays among young generation.

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all females especially. Will definitely admire reading.

🌸Happy Reading!

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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Book review: Faith and the beloved

 Book review:

🌸 Hardly we pay attention to the crimes that go unchecked. Such a story portraying two parallel plots of crimes that captivates readers attention.

🌸 Certain mindsets are hardly spoken same goes with the mindset of Prem and Arun who are rapists and have internalised the notion that they do a favour by raping young women.

🌸 The information about each character in the plot is elaborated and intertwining of characters is adroit. Though it's difficult to weave such a story from the mindset of a mentally terrorist but definetly a good try by the author.

🌸 I loved reading this crime thriller book and would recommend this book to ones who like crime mystery thriller book lovers. 

Include trigger warnings do check it out before reading it. 

🌸Happy Reading!

Book review: the 1st Assaination -unit 22 thriller

 Book review:

🌸 The story revolves around the protagonist Major Aditya Sen who works for the government in RAW, a special group or unit 22 within the Special Frontier Force . He is assigned a desk job after awarding him with few medals for doing his work extremely well. 

🌸 His world turned upside down after receiving this task force investigating an assaination plot against the US President. His survival struggle on the field and off the field are engrossing action packed thrilling.

🌸 The author has well penned the evocative and emotional amalgamation of the Major portraying different shades of him. It is an amazingly well crafted plot with lots of twists and turns. The characters struggle and emotions are really heart -wrenching.

🌸 I loved reading this political thriller full of twists and turns. It kept me intrigued till the end. I would recommend this thrilling book to all thriller book lovers.

🌸 Highly Recommended!

Monday, August 22, 2022

Book review: Where is my smile?

 Book review : 

🌸 This book is a beautifully illustrated picture book about mental health  for young readers. 

🌸 A story of a little boy who is in search of his smile and can't find anywhere.

🌸 Children at times are sad and hesitate to share their feelings and find it difficult to find smile. A caring hand can change a lot in their life. Same is predicted in this book.

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all kids. I am thankful to kelly @lovebookstours for gifting me this book in return of an honest review.

🌸Happy Reading!





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Book review : The curse of Magdala

  Book review : 

🌸 The book is a historical fiction with a tinge of horror that creates goosebumps . An intriguing story that takes a cue from world history, including snippets of Ethiopia, European empire , India and the gulfs. 

🌸 The story includes two timelines moving back and forth. Basically , Hukam Singh who has to pay the penalty of the curse which can consume even the strongest creatures.

🌸 The author has done deep research on the history and well penned the circumstances that existed in 1867. He pours light on how minutely the selection of commanders , civilian staff , soldiers and units were done keeping each detail in mind to accomplish the task.

🌸 The capture of Magdala is followed by loot and plunder of Golden cross and tabots,  desecration of the church of Bare Mariam and hence sowing the seeds of retribution. 

🌸 In return Queen Itamano curse all men who looted the cross will suffer horrible death and destruction. Those in the west not privy to the dark world lurking in curse, would not know what caused the infernal deaths twisting their lives, as also of their children.

🌸 The book is fast paced with macabre events impeccably weaven by the author. He has weaved the facts with illusory with such adroitness that readers are left guessing what will happen next?? Attention to detail is a hallmark of the book and the book acts as a panorama appreciated by all.

🌸 I loved reading this book and would recommend this historical fiction to all.

🌸Happy Reading!


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Book review: Shut the lights

 Book review:

🌸 Shut the lights is a story of a family stuck together for better or worse as the Indian Government declared a three-week lockdown as a containment measure for Covid -19.

🌸 Suvini, Mridul, Damien and Tara belonged to an upper-middle-class family, each of them secretly had a dark secret that threatened to derail their existence. In the ongoing busy life, where everyone is busy in himself this lockdown will act as a blessing or curse to part everyone. It's quite interesting to find out.

🌸 Suvini tries hard to cope without a maid, children fearing their parents may not spy on them, husband busy on the phone or doing nothing. A well-portrayed scene of each family in pandemic where the mentality of Indian men and women got changed or was forced to change due to limited sources and lack of extra help.

🌸 The author has beautifully portrayed the scenes and indirectly explained how to present crimes are built on past mischievousness. The language is lucid and well-versed for beginner friendly. A deep insight into the daily issues faced by parents nowadays is well penned.

🌸The suspense about the secrets and what will happen next kept me intrigued till the end and I finished it in one sitting. I loved reading this book and would recommend this to all fictional thriller book lovers.

🌸 Few quotes from the book :

"Housework is hard work."

"Perceptions create reality."

🌸Happy Reading!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Book review: Verses of a risen phoenix

 Book review:

This book is a collection of moments, memories and conversations shared by the author in the form of beautiful poems. All the stories in the form of poems are quite inspirational. The author has compiled poems from the first and second book of Sand and Sea trilogy and many more.

Few proses from the poems I would like to share:

"Love and Forgiveness is inspiration ,

For rebirth is a necessary preparation.

Many lives the spirit has seen, 

with a sole purpose to enlighten every shred of mean."

"Embrace who you are".

" Love is not only give and take,

It is not if you are there or not,

It is not what you bring or can be bought.

For when you say, 'I love you',

It means 'Everything is You'."

The poems are heart touching and include brief lessons or explanation in the end of each poems. The way it entralls its impact is wonderful. 

I loved reading these verses and would recommend this book to all poetic book lovers. 

Happy Reading!

Friday, August 19, 2022

Book review : No ordinary Hate

Book review :

No Ordinary hate by Whitney Melanine is the  funny and  first installment of the Love is a Gamble Mom-Com series. Quite interesting and hilarious moments are in abundance.

Life in Hollywood is not easy. Same goes to Harper and Brett Kennedy who have the perfect family life—an image better portrayed. But reality was something else. When Brett finds out his husband cheating her on her youngest child pregnancy. This time she could not tolerate and takes a witty decision.

Decision taken to seperate changes her life completely. Her life and her kids are on a journey of rollercoaster of emotions and learning new things and experience lots of twists and turns. 

The way author has predicted the change in life of a celebrete and a normal person's life is adorable. I admired the hilarious moments and want to read more of his books.

I am thankful to netgalley and the publisher for giving me this book in return of an honest review. I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all.

Happy Reading!


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Book review : No matter What happens

Book review :

The title goes apt to the story where one finds trapped if accidental situations and could only rescue if seek help of each other.

The story revolves around Kennedy Blackwell , daughter of a popular senator, who plans on running for the presidency in the very near future. The senator is a hateful man, and only cares about his political career. On the day of Kennedy's wedding, right before she says her vows, her groom's transgressions are made known to her. Needless to say, she doesn't get married and her parents are fit to be tied because she did not go through with it. Luckily her friends are there to support her during this awful time.

Wade Roberts is a handyman by day and an erotic dancer on Friday nights. He is an amazing man and goes out of his way to ensure that his mother is taken care of. He works very hard to support them. Meeting Kennedy and falling in love with her was completely unexpected. Unfortunately, the senator is not his biggest fan, and he creates a ton of havoc in Wade's life.  

It was quite interesting to find out how both of them come out of this scenario and will they form a couple or not ??? So many questions need an answer . Do grab your copy to find what happened next !

I am thankful to netgalley and the publisher for giving me this book in return of an honest review.
Happy Reading!


Book review : Kiss of Darkness

 Book review : 

This is  the first book in the Curse of the Guardians series with many explanations about the magic systems, breeds of demons, classes of witches were awesome.

Kyra is labelled as a black witch - illegal unless she has a special license.  Kyra is trying to find out who is threatening her, plus dealing with her delight of a boss. Xander is the one assigned to protect her which, of course, leads them to be in close proximity to each other. Xander does turn it around, but his dislike of Kyra (without actually knowing her) is a bit offputting for a while.

The author has demostrated all the characters very well. I was so intrigued by the characters and their bonding that i could not resist reading it soon. I completely devoured the love/hate relationship between these two. I cannot freaking wait for Kace and Eva's book next and even more love/hate tension!♡

I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend this series book 1 to all. I am thankful to netgalley and the publisher for giving me this book in return of an honest review.
Happy Reading!

Book review: Why me?

  Book review:

The book revolves around the protagonist Burn Baczek, a Seattle consultant. She is on vacation in Scotland all alone in a downpour after her boyfriend cancelled his trip at the last moment.

The story starts with her hiking in a downpour and she hears loud noises nearby. She does not understand what's going on? Cops are called but she does not understand what to say or do. 

In ancient Greece, the chimera was a bad omen. In WHY ME?, it's a motive for murder, she sees a body at the bottom of a ravine. Before she can return to the scene with the mountain rescue team, the body disappears. She learns that he was a scientist and that his laptop containing his cutting-edge research has disappeared. Rumors spread.

It was interesting to find out how everything got sorted out and will she be able to take herself out from the midges going on... The way it hooked me up till the end is marvellous. Kudos to the author for writing such a splendid cozy mystery. 

I loved reading this mystery and would recommend this book to all mystery book lovers. I am thankful to kate @katerockbooktours for gifting me this book in return of an honest review.

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Book review : Erebus

 Book review :

The book revolves around the pratagonist Izabella Thornton who has a mysterious past and a plethora of psychic gifts who took a leave of absence from her job.

However, her peaceful bliss is soon shattered when Sheriff Matt Faraday, Mayor Dixon and a Professor of Archeology, Simon Winthrop seek  Izabela to help them stop an alleged hellhound that is roaming the countryside. This creature is killing and sucking the blood out of livestock.

The author has drastically depicted the horror of getting killed by a hellhound . Fear of loosing lives is clearly seen. Despite her powers , she could not believe this could be a task of a hellhound but resists to this fact. But sooner , she agrees to help the mankind.

The world is clearly ours but includes things that go bump in the night. The reactions of people from outside of this world are, refreshingly, realistic. The way everyone accepts the fact of a hellhound and decide to fight against it was really adorable.

The thrilling and bit horrifying creature mystery kept me hooked up till the end. I just tried to finish it soon. It was interesting to find out how she unravels the mystery behind and save the livestock or will she become the next victim..

I loved reading this book and would recommend this thrilling read to all thriller book lovers. I am thankful to Kelly @lovebookstours for gifting me this book in return of an honest review.
Happy Reading!


Monday, August 15, 2022

Book review : 2029

 Book review:

A future book that portrays a part of future and how it can change our lives immensely. The story revolves around the protagonist Vanshika. She fears the after effects of covid -19 and started living with her robot. 

The way author has transpired the emotions of persons in 2029 and how each one will respond is praiseworthy. The book initiates to ponder on little things that are changing nowadays and will effect the coming generation drastically.

This book is a small read and beginner friendly. I loved the concept and would recommend this book to all technology book lovers.

Happy Reading!

Book Review : First and Forever

Book review :

The book is a sweet romantic story. The story revolves around football player Sloan ‘Willow’ Williams, an incurable romance seeker looking for The One in all the places, wrong and right. The second he lays eyes on Eden Jade Cartwright, he is convinced he finally found Her.

But Eden does not want any attachments. The only thing that she's pursuing is an international career as a DJ. She wants to write her songs and make her music and dominate the scene.

Both of them use each other to stick their pursuits. But faking a relationship can last how long? But things aren't as simple as a few Instagram photos and going to events. Soon, feelings gets stronger and realer for both of them. Life crashes in and forces both of them to confront their past in different ways and move forward or stay stuck. Take a chance or play it safe.

The way the author has depicted their strong desires for their career and how deep they can go to pursue it. Their faking relationship, evoking love and haunting past....all the things kept me intrigued till the end...

I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all romantic book lovers. I am thankful to netgalley and the publisher for gifting me this book in return of an honest review.

Happy Reading!


Book review : Just Like Home

 Book review :

This book is a CREEPY, BIZARRE, BLEAK, INTENSE, CLAUSTROPHOBIC and EERIE. No words to express what an elusive story.

Vera’s mother is dying, and asks her to come home to the house she grew up in, the house her father built with his own two hands—the same hands he used to torture and murder men in the basement. Vera’s feelings about her father are deeply conflicted, as he may have been a notorious serial killer, but they shared a loving, close relationship. Her mother, on the other hand, was a cold, hard, unloving woman, and even now, near death, her heart has not thawed.

Making matters worse is the fact that Vera's mother has a tenant living on the property, some sort of artist whose interest in the house makes Vera very uncomfortable.

The way the story gets depicted and the secrets starts unravelling was really interesting. I was really intrigued from the first page. The way Veera survives and fights with the circumstances was worth reading .

I loved reading this thrilling story. I am thankful to netgalley for giving me this book to read in return of an honest review.
Happy Reading!

Book review: Banting, Bose and Beyond

 Book review :

This book is a collection of inspiring and motivating stories of how Insulin changed lives in India. Dr. V. Mohan has shared the stories in a sagacious yet thrilling way that one cannot keep the book down.

He has shared with all references about how insulin was discovered and what were the factors that made insulin a great boon to the patients suffering from type - 1 diabetes. His father, Prof. M. Viswanathan, considered as " Father of Diabetology" in India had a great impact on him. His father's guidance and his true dedication to help and save mankind especially kids suffering from type -1 diabetes is all very well depicted in this book.

This book shares stories of many persons who were suffering from diabetes but after treatment  with insulin got recovered. Many of these persons took a pledge to help others suffering the same problem. Many know the benefit of insulin but many due to lack of money or family support lag behind emotionally and financially. Such persons can seek help in his diabetes healthcare and charity hospital.

In his book, Dr. Mohan points to the "huge ethical and moral aspects " when treating people with diabetes. He wants Banting proclamation that "insulin belongs to the world" come true in this century . He wishes all should be given access to this vital therapy and people should not suffer because of its high cost and less affordability.

I am truly inspired by his writing style and the way he unravels the emotions behind all the stories shared. 

Highly recommended!

Book review: Equals

 Book review: 

A collection of seven stories from different scenarios that we hardly like to discuss but having a deep impact on all in one or the other way.

The author has tried his best to put forth the equality issue from various aspects of lives in the form of hear touching stories. Each story shakes our soul to introspect our way of living and decide is equality given to all.

Generally persons boost that they grant equality to all but it is seldom true. The author also advocates that each person is unique and should be granted equality irrespective of gender, race or beliefs.

I am really touched by the book cover as well as the way of writing. I would recommend this book to all.

Happy Reading!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Book review : The Fleeting Emotions

Book review :

This book is a collection of short stories that vary from the perspective of a child to a sixty year old person. All the stories are heart-touching and giving a feeling of being realistic.

Undoubtedly all stories touched me but story of a mother trying again and again for having a baby overwhelmed me. The author has beautifully depicted the emotions of a mother and consistent efforts of a parent in hope of a child. A mother ignores her health , ongoing surgeries or how many surgeries or pains she has to suffer in quest of a child. 

All the stories give a different message. Kudos to the author for giving words to the emotions of persons of all genre. The cover of the book is too attractive and depicts the stories through images. It positively gives a strong vibes of be realistic than being pessimistic.

I loved reading this book and would recommend this lovely book to all.

Happy Reading!


Book review: Paws

 Book review:

A book that drags the reader to anew world and another wikipedia of thinking.. A life of an autistic child is fill of problems if not dealt with love and care. Such a child is our little Alex...But for a change he has his friend in his dog who responds to him the same way.

Alex is searching for friends who could help him and he could share some feelings with them. But it was a hard and adventurous journey to make friends. 

The author has beautifully depicted the emotions , sufferings and intense zeal among autistic children too. What any person needs to do is just provide your affectionate emotions to help them face the challenges of life gradually at a easier pace. 

The book is written in a lucid language and    each angle of Alex is vividly depicted. I loved reading this book and would recommend this book to all especially to autistic children. This book will help the kids to learn and remember to never lose hope and have faith in yourself whatever the conditions may be.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Book review : Bedtime Stories

 Bed time stories is a collection of stories and poems. The poems are short and simple. I'm surprised at the versatility of the author.

Be it about space, science, earth or humanity. He has touched every aspect in the stories. As its a children's book, each story comes with a moral and I felt that it's much needed for me as well as an adult. 

The robotic lion or the toy rabbits or the flying machines. Each was resonating with the current times and I'm glad this book revised the old stories with a new touch. 

The language is lucid and the illustrations are good. We need more such child authors who can inculcate the values and the Indian culture among the children who will be the future of the country.
Happy Reading!

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Book review : Feathers in sand



#FeathersInTheSand #WomensFiction #IndieAuthor #annemariebennett #beachread #gilmoregirls #familydrama #Mainenovel #KateRockBookTours #SeahavenSunriseSeries

Feathers in the Sand

Seahaven Sunrise Series Book 1

Released July 2022 - Available on #KindleUnlimited

Book review :

The book shares a story of Tess who is a single mother and has to handle her responsibilities carefully taking care of her preteen daughter Eva. The relationship they both share and how they evolve themselves from the unknown is nicely depicted.

 The mother grapples with what's best for her children without sacrificing her own well-being. She struggles to reach her children emotionally. The daughter and mother both face change with trepidation, fearing the unknown. Some of the older generation acts as inspiration, while others resist change.

The author has beautifully depicted the emotional graph of a woman how she feels when she is left alone without a partner and as a single mother and especially when she gets a second chance of loving someone. The way she handles herself and her children from the ongoing circumstances was worth reading.

I loved reading this heart touching book and would recommend this book to all romance book lovers.

Happy Reading!


Book review : Limitless Code Decode

ook review:
The book guides us a principle of being limitless. We all are bound in traditions , perceptions and daily routine that we hardly ponder on the fact Are we living the way we want to live?

The author shares and advocates her experienced ways and the hidden secret of number eight in her life. She shares for any person to build his/her life bit magical, thrill, adventurous and lively , one need to introspect himself and decode the methods to change his life immensely.

Quotes from the book :

"Till you don't feel it , Don't believe it".

" Learn to respect and identify your authentic feelings, that's your job and no one else's. "

"Let your authencity,
Be your beacon, 
To guide you through,
The muddled of doubt and confusion."

In this book , we find the measures with the author's personal experiences to render light on little but great insights. If we change a bit, a lot is changed. She says either work should be done perfectly or not done at all.

I loved reading this book and the measures provided really helped me with a changed outlook.
Highly recommended!


Monday, August 8, 2022

Book review : Sunset of Blacks

 Book review :

This book starts with Mr. Konrad who finds an abandoned child, Bako on his doorstep in Germany. He feels an unique bond with him. In the journey of finding out Bako's origin, he enters a world of mysteries, highly classified information, and scientific technology. But for Bako, it was like a series of nightmares that  lead him to a whole new fatal world of revealations.

Police Inspector Kariyappa and Forensics Scientist Buker helps Konrad to investigate the barbaric crime in the woods. They chose a different path to follow their purpose. These are the  ones who broke the stereotypes, whom the society labelled as the odds. A pack of multi-potentials who cut their roots to change the destiny of their race. Will they make it?

The author has beautifully depicted the odds on their way , emotions entangled , so many twists and turns that kept me hooked till the end. The way all the characters play their role is magnificent. I adore each and every twist and the way it was unravelled.

I loved reading this thrilling mystery book and would recommend this to all thriller book lovers.
Happy Reading!

Who's My Next Victim?: Dreams are harmless... or are they? by Shivani R P

 Who's My Next Victim?: Dreams are harmless... or are they? by Shivani R P  Dreams are so endearing. One feels to fulfil them at any pri...