Sunday, June 30, 2024

Live With Me Die With Me by Chirasree Bose| Book review

 Book review:

"Live With Me, Die With Me" is a spellbinding thrill ride that blends secrets, otherworldly components, and profound profundity consistently. A grasping spine chiller investigates the dull entrapments of human connections and hides insider facts.

The story starts with a bang—in a real sense. Meera is killed at an abandoned metro building site in Pune, and at a similar second, Dwiti, a visually impaired lady, awakens in an emergency clinic, guaranteeing she saw Meera's face. It's shocking and establishes the vibe of a rollercoaster of a secret. Dwiti's better half, Sarthik, a crisis specialist, is compelled to face his dim past with Meera, while the constant examiner, Jugal Apte, begins sorting out a surprisingly convoluted riddle. As additional homicides follow, the situation starts to get interesting, with exciting bends in the road that keep you speculating straight up to the end.

The plot is unpredictably woven, with different layers of tension and mystery. The speed of the storyline keeps me nervous, as every disclosure adds to the interest. The murders and their association with the heroes are uncovered slowly, keeping an elevated degree of tension all throughout the book. The unforeseen peak is especially prominent, conveying a strong punch that leaves me staggering.

The characters are lavishly drawn and locked in. Dwiti is a brave and decided lady whose puzzling dreams of Meera add an entrancing component to her personality. Sarthik, Dwiti's better half and a crisis specialist, shuffles the requests of his profession with mysteries from his past associated with Meera. Jugal Apte, the research official, drives the story forward with his sharp bits of knowledge. Meera, albeit presently not alive, remains an urgent figure whose story profoundly influences different characters.

The book talks about seeing and grasping things. Dwiti's visual impairment and her bizarre dreams make us ponder what it means to see and comprehend the world. The writer utilizes straightforward words to create a sensation of tension and keep the readers intrigued.

The story hops between the two over a significant period, which causes it to feel like a fantasy. Various characters recount their pieces of the story, which assists us in understanding the secret better. The completion integrates everything except for passing on things to ponder.

An extraordinary book blends love and secrets. The author recounts the story in such a way that it keeps you snared and makes you need to realize what occurs right away. If you like stories with a touch of creepiness and loads of shocks, you will partake in this book. Highly recommended!

Purchase: Live with Me Die with Me

#thrillers #mystery #Bookishlife2022_ #bookblogger #bookreview 

Period Matters: Menstruation in South Asia by Farah Ahamed | Book review

 Book: Period Matters
Author: Farah Ahamed
Publisher: PanMac Millan
Genre: Non-Fiction
Rating: 5/5

Book review:

In Period Matters, Farah Ahamed has persistently gathered numerous such stories and situations of ladies who have been handling the feminine cycle. Similar to my own story, little kids are much of the time not taught about how bodies advance during adolescence and are left confused exclusively to be made sense of after it works out. Numerous nations follow comparative ceremonies, precluding ladies from entering the kitchen or even from contacting anything. She meets numerous ladies from various monetary foundations to understand what it means for them. Once in a while, it's difficult to accept that we are living in the 21st century, regardless of whether we practice such silly ceremonies.

Every one of the referenced articles, meetings, and stories in the book perfectly makes sense of the encounters of menstruators from various social foundations around South Asia. It likewise discusses the challenges these individuals face during their menses due to the absence of information and the absolute minimum number of offices accessible. I value Farah in this term since she additionally goes one step above to incorporate how periods resemble trans and mentally unbalanced ladies as well.

The book shows how our lived encounters as ladies, as individuals as they made, hardened sisterhood, not just during the period (as seen by how ladies share clothes in the jails), but additionally during menopause. The exceptional strings that go through every part have enhanced how I keep on understanding the feminine cycle and figure it out in my existence.

This unimaginable compilation contains stories, papers, meetings, sonnets, and craftsmanship from the period. It was through this book that I got to be aware of Menstrala, which is craftsmanship motivated by period. I viewed it as captivating and strong! The menstrala displayed in this book goes from Rupi Kaur's notable photograph paper, Anish Kapoor's oil canvases, Shahzia Sikander's neo-miniaturist craftsmanship, photos of wall paintings made by youngsters in Jharkhand, to Sarah Naqvi's weaving. There's likewise a splendidly arranged dance by Amna Mawaz Khan that offers another point of view on a monthly cycle.

This book has not just referenced the means that have proactively been taken in breaking the untouchable around period but has likewise referenced the means that can be additionally taken to give feminine schooling and assets to legitimate cleanliness and wellbeing.

Every section is so interesting, and some hit truly hard. Ahmed set up a momentous scope of techniques for revealing menstruators's insights and lived encounters; there is most certainly something to learn and appreciate for everybody.

With a convincing opening section, she stands up to the no-encompassing period head-on, testing cultural standards and revealing insight into the inescapable quietness that has covered this regular, substantial cycle for quite a long time. Through a progression of powerful tales and shrewd meetings, Ahamed illustrates the lived encounters of South Asian ladies, offering an uncommon look into their battles and wins.

Highly recommended!

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’
hosted by Cindy D’Silva ( and Noor Anand
Chawla (
in collaboration with Dr. Preeti Chauhan

Purchase: Period Matters

#periodmatters #nonfiction #TBRChallenge #bookblogger

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Yellowface by R.F. Kuang | Book review

 Book: Yellowface
Author: R.F.Kuang
Publisher: Harper Collins
Genre: Fiction
Rating: 5/5

Book review:

"Yellowface" is a crush of different classes that follows the latent, forceful "kinship" of Athena and June, two writers in the distribution business with totally different degrees of progress. This is a convincing, negative, and intriguing parody that dives into topics of literary theft, bigotry, and web savaging. It offers a reasonable depiction of the distribution business inside the structure of a heart-beating thrill ride. Athena has accepted her large break, while June has stayed a striving writer.

It opens with writer Athena Liu celebrating one more accomplishment with her "companion," June Hayward. Athena Liu is a composing writer with six figures distributing bargains, a Netflix series, and a faction-like following for her work. She is on target for turning into a scholarly symbol; each book she composes is a momentary blockbuster, and she's an abstract dear. June then again, when she delivered her book, it barely made even, and her distributing house doesn't actually accept her call any longer.

On the night that June Hayward is out celebrating one more win with Athena Liu, Liu stifles on a slice of pizza and passes on directly before June. Following up without much forethought, June takes the equitable completed novel that Athena Liu was chipping away at and brings it back home, not really understanding how to manage it. The novel is about the unrecognized commitments of Chinese workers to the English and French conflict endeavours during the Second Great War. June, in an attack of motivation or distress, goes through hours altering Athena's novel to the point where she chooses it's no longer Athena's work since she's added such a great deal to it. She sends the novel to her distributor, who calls her contribution her six figures and spots it as the following scholarly dear.

June's novel (on the off chance that we can call it that) travels through the distribution pipeline quickly. When she is requested by a responsiveness reader, June closes it down. Since, how could a white lady expounding on the Chinese workers during the Second Great War need to hit the nail on the head? With the distribution of the original June, it has gained fame, but general society has questions.

Kuang can cover issues without admonishing, causing the reader to filter through rotating sentiments that are probably going to uncover their own suppositions and distresses, and we should constantly recall the telling, which is much of the time directing us from making a decision about her and towards every other person. With a major admission in the middle, June can control the reader on more modest issues, and in a manner, it turns into a fairly metafictional way to deal with the way narrating is only that: fictionalizing stories.

Kuang delineated the peril that distributing has at last made with its utilization of terms like #ownvoices. Athena wasn't at any point permitted to compose beyond injury. She's categorized as just keeping in touch with a certain something. Also, truly, I'm certain that happens more than we might want to accept. Writers who need to investigate something beyond their "relegated" jobs either get turned down or the promotion is rubbish. It dives further into the subject of who is permitted to determine what story. Was Athena any better fit to recount the tale of Chinese workers in WWI than June? Is research to the point of telling something beyond one's lived insight? These are things to contemplate and something we are going up against locally each day.

This book genuinely knocked my socks off. I couldn't put it down, yet I additionally expected to enjoy reprieves due to the turbulent and tension-actuating experience of living inside Juniper's psyche. The person brings serious areas of strength for herself, including dissatisfaction with her sexism, blind desire, and disagreeable defences for her activities.

In this book, no one is a holy person, as being great-hearted doesn't ensure monetary security, vocation achievement, distinction, or power. The writer capably depicts imperfect and complex characters who challenge the reader's insights.

This is a phenomenal glance at how genuine and well-established bigotry is. It's all over the place and in everybody. It simply needs to continuously yell out its goals. It's standing by while another person accomplishes something hurtful. It's misdirecting yourself when you land the position over a person of variety when you realize you're underqualified. It's in countless little and miniature ways. What's more, it's totally terrible to watch or read. In any case, it is very enlightening, which is fundamental for the distribution business the way things are.

Generally speaking, Yellowface by R.F. Kuang is a brilliant novel with the wildness of an unfurling outrage that causes us to defy many central points of contention that are extremely controversial in the scholarly world at the present time. I took in the subtlety here by the way it uncovered issues from many points, yet it doesn't permit that to be a reason for an awful way of behaving. Understanding isn't equivalent to supporting here, and it is a page-turning trip watching June plunge and evade as her usurped realm constantly takes steps to crash down around her.

 "This post is part of the Bookish League blog hop hosted by Bohemian Bibliophile

Purchase: YellowFace

#Bookishlife2022_ #bookblogger #yellowface #books #fiction #mystery #hilariousbooks 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Ways to heal Shame| Unashamed by Neha Bhat| Book review

 Book review:

"Shame needs three things to grow exponential ly in our lives: secrecy, silence and judgement. "

Shame regarding anything creates or sustains in one's mind for long. Every person faces a traumatic phase in his or her life in any part of his life irrespective of gender. There are so many domains and merely few are treated with the help of a therapist. Even I was startled by the topic Unashamed when I first read it. But being a strong lover of non fiction books I wanted to give it a try.

I was literally intrigued by the topic and wanted to explore it. As the word says, it slowly unfurls the layers of shame that start dominating our personality without even letting us know. In this book, Neha discusses about the fear of shame that she is treating as a phychotherapist in the last decade or more of her experience.

In this patriarch society, men and women are guided in their young age about their boundaries and how to deal with issues related to your sexuality. Most of the times, girls or women are suppressed of their emotional support or needs related to it when they are abused, traumatized and much more. Does it makes you remind of one thing? " Time is the best healer". Yes, it is. But answer my question, how do you feel if any related incident of your past becomes vivid infront of your eyes?

Do you freeze? Or Are you ok with it? This answer may vary from person to person. In this book, I found the basic meaning of a therapy and how she makes a difference in people's life. People suffer from their own trauma but could bot identify it for long. When this pain of trauma starts haunting, they are guided by a therapist. One may find the correct therapist at one go or take time as per their comfort level of trust.

Top post on Blogchatter

This book is divided in four parts:

Neha has shared few but heart wrenching episodes from her experience that may relate to varied readers. She tries to pour light on sensitive issues that are left untouched by many of us. But the matter becomes a parasite after many years and harm our peace of mind. These episodes makes the reader think or feel how they are effected by these episodes or it hardly makes any difference.

This book is not limited to women but it shares a varied experience from women, children, aged, queer, men or couples. As everyone gets affected by trauma of any kind once in their life, so it needs to be mended and not suppressed.  Neha guides that one should be open to his/her sexual needs and accept them openly.

Any person is taught at a young age few norms of etiquette but with the passage of time, few norms need to be reformed and changed as per the requirement. So the rules that were valid fir a person at the age of 7 cannot be same for the age of 40. So accept your needs and try to empathize yourself.

The best part of this book is the practice questions that are added at the end of each chapter. This helps the reader to summarize what are the takeaways from that particular episode.

Ways to heal "Shame":
💕Expect to 'sit with' your feelings for a long time.
💕Keep a small journal next to you.
💕Share your feelings or reflections with a friend or a trusted person.
💕Pen down on a journal or a diary what is troubling you.
💕 Writing drags out inner most fears and helps to recover.

Overall, This book could also be used as an act of self-permission, allowing yourself the much needed recourse to help alleviate shame, silence and self-judgement around sexual health that has been part of our Indian sexual conditioning. Highly recommended!

This review is powered by Blogchatter Book Review Program ".

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ 
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla 
in collaboration with 
Dr. Preeti Chauhan.

Purchase: Unashamed

#TBRChallenge #Bookchatter @HarperCollinsIN #Bookishlife2022_#nonfiction #reader #bookreviews

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Book review: Guardian Angel by Ruchi Singh

 Book review:

"Guardian Angel" by Ruchi Singh is one of those heartfelt tension books that pulls you in right all along. The story rotates around Nikhil and Ayesha.

Nikhil is the companion and security responsible for renowned Industrialist, Vikram Seth Jr. During one of his gatherings with a source, he is trapped in a bomb impact and caught by obscure individuals. Whenever a bomb impact offers the lowlifes the chance to snatch him, Nikhil is a no left helpless before a gathering kindness.

 Harmed, bewildered and blindfolded, he awakens in an obscure spot with no chance to get out. Ayesha is given the obligation of nursing a man back to wellbeing so he can be tormented and grilled. With Rehaan and Khala watching out for her, meanwhile arranging her wedding, Ayesha must choose the option to nurture the outsider in her cellar. What turns do their processes take? Furthermore, does destiny have different designs for them?

The writer has made a wonderful and elegantly composed show-stopper. Utilization of straightforward language, very much depicted characters, and the intense story plot is simply marvelous. The plot involved love, retribution, kinship and assurance which had me snared till the end. The story improvement was incredible and particularly loved Ayesha's personality.

Ayesha's blend of sympathy and boldness makes you pull for her as she assumes the errand of aiding the harmed security master, Nikhil. The chemistry between them is electric, adding a sweet touch to the high-stakes circumstances they think of themselves as in.

I partook in the speed of the book as likewise the genuine depictions of Kashmir. Assuming I was searching for a grievance, it would be that the high-point of the book came much before it finished and the sentiment towards the end appeared to be an epilog.

In general, it actually makes for an extraordinary read. Highly recommended!

Purchase: Guardian Angel

The Bodyguard by Ruchi Singh| Undercover series | Book review

 Book review:

" The Bodyguard"  is charged with heartfelt tension, and the tension is the more unmistakable component. It's a speedy, immaculate storyline, very well-carved characters, undeniable activity and tension with sentiment, and a little portion of satire, making this book a magnificent read. Noteworthy narrating expertise by the writer, exquisite book cover configuration, advanced characters, and mistake-free composition.

The story revolves around Esha Sinha, an expert who takes on the task of watching Vikram Aditya Seth with her life. Violent pasts as far as experience and life have caused her to shift individuals and connections.

Vikram Aditya Jr., the scion of Seth Businesses, had a vivid past and terrible involvement with connections. Both are cruising in a comparable situation. Things enliven between them as they are drawn to one another yet don't have any desire to admit it.

A woman protector who cherishes her work and views it extremely seriously. A world-class money manager whose life is in harm's way yet doesn't treat the dangers in a serious way. Hot, sizzling science and an unputdownable round of Tom and Jerry pursuit The quick, moving story and astonishing composition keep you snared till the end.

There is a fascination, and there is pressure, and Esha and Vikram think about one another frequently. In any case, the emphasis stays on determining the personality of Vikram's future professional killer while likewise exploring corporate interests and family shows.

I cherished the plot and the manner in which the creator mixed anticipation and sentiment together. Both the components are even, and the story simply streams. The characters, including optional characters, are all scratched. The portrayals of the scenes are nitty-gritty. I cherished the connection between Nikhil and Vikram, and among Esha and Nikhil, I adored how he calls her Xena.

The anticipation and the exciting bends in the road are very well arranged and presented at the perfect second in the story. I was likewise shocked by the antagonist, which is uncommon, and it shows the writer's composing ability that she had the option to draw a person that will make them feel frustrated about him as well as detest him all simultaneously.

Ruchi Singh shows that nobody is awesome, and it is our background as well as our capacity to adapt and push ahead that can either make us legends or antagonists.

By and large, "The Bodyguard"  is a fascinating read, as it catches your attention with a decent blend of plot, characters, and the progression of the story.

Purchase: The Bodyguard

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Nifty Navigator: Sailing Through the Indian Stock Market by AKSHAY NITIN JALGAONKAR | Book review

 Book review:

The financial exchange is something other than a bet; it's an amazing asset for building monetary security and accomplishing your fantasies. Yet, exploring its flows requires information, methodology, and a sound portion of watchfulness. "Nifty Navigator" outfits you with each of the three.

This book demystifies the financial exchange, changing it from a befuddling idea into a commonsense instrument for everybody, even novices. Many consider the financial exchange to be a major gambling club, yet it's where you can put resources into organizations you trust and watch your cash develop as they succeed. This guide expects to work on the intricacies, giving you reasonable information and significant bits of knowledge to go with informed choices.

This book will energize and persuade the greater part of individuals to snatch the open door. All through the book, on each page, the writer makes exhaustive sense of the essentials of financial planning, dissipates legends and misinterpretations, and investigates the different methodologies. It is a book of information, but it doesn't work without training. The writer pushes the readers to get right into it after reading and acquiring the information from the book. Beginning with the nuts and bolts, the writer tends to everything: confusion, the significance of schooling, risk management, venture procedures, and investigating the innovative world of the securities exchange.

The viable guidance given is one of the key elements of this book. It doesn't stop at hypothetical information; it goes further to offer certifiable applications through contextual analyses and individual tales. These models make the substance engaging and give clear direction on executing venture procedures.

The author's amazing expertise in separating perplexing subjects into straightforward data and dispensing them with superfluous subtleties simultaneously is especially recognizable here. Consequently, this offset provides the readers with data as well as functional information they can straightforwardly use in their regular routine. By his composing, the author has contacted another high of the destitution preparing by leaving an activated and beneficial aid. He turns into the trailblazer in making securities exchanges both justifiable and available, and thus, he opens another universe of monetary doors for his readers.

I especially valued the emphasis on engaging people and families to achieve monetary security. This attention to commonsense monetary schooling is both invigorating and vital, giving devices to assist with changing monetary prospects.

So, It is an all-around elegantly composed guide that offers us master guidance in basic language. Whether we are new to money management or have been doing it for quite some time, this book is like a guide to assist you with making monetary progress. It's a must-read for anybody totally focused on bringing in their cash work for them.

Purchase: Nifty Navigator

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Eternal Divine Grace by Dr. V. Mohan | Book review

Book: Eternal Divine Grace
Author: Dr. V.Mohan
Genre: Non-Fiction, Spirituality
Rating: 5/5

Book review:

"Eternal Divine Grace" by Dr. V. Mohan is a book that digs into the universe of otherworldliness and marvels revolving around the figure of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. It is a significant investigation of the heavenly mediations and wonders credited to Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The book winds around Dr. Mohan's own tales and the declarations of various fans, making a rich embroidery of help from above and steadfast confidence.

Every story inside these pages is a demonstration of the limitless elegance and empathy of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. His boundless love for his followers and enthusiasts and their steadfast confidence in their master are genuinely motivating. The records in this book fill in as an encouraging sign and a sign of the heavenly presence in our day-to-day routines. I was awestruck reading those records of healing and recuperation from serious medical problems.

The author's story style is basic, making it simple to submerge oneself in the portrayed scenes. Besides, the consideration of notes by the author in the portrayal of fans sharing Leela's or encounters adds to its profundity.

Every part starts with a statement from Sri Sai Baba and goes on with outlines that supplement the story. As each experience unfurls, it flashes consideration about the horde manners by which the Heavenly or Masterworks and how we are protected and directed by unfathomable love. Whether confronting a desperate sickness or exploring life's difficulties, the confirmation of His beauty is an ointment that relieves enduring difficulty.

The composition actually moves readers into each marvellous experience, making the heavenly intercessions appealing and persuasive. While the book principally requests that aficionados be acquainted with Sathya Sai Baba's lessons, its messages of empathy, appreciation, and energy resound generally.

The pacing of the book is all around overseen and drawn in, intended to keep readers putting resources into the otherworldly accounts and marvellous encounters shared inside its pages. The book shifts back and forth between Dr. Mohan's appearance and the individual accounts of different enthusiasts, creating a mood that is both dynamic and vivid. This rotating structure assists with keeping up with reader interest by giving a blend of points of view and encounters, keeping the story from becoming tedious.

This sincere and moving book commends the supernatural occurrences and profound tradition of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, offering important illustrations of empathy, appreciation, and positive reasoning. It is suggested for anybody looking for motivation, comfort, or a more profound comprehension of heavenly beauty. It's a moving recognition of the supernatural occurrences and the getting-through impact of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

The composition is both lovely and insightful. It's more obvious from the exposition in the book, particularly due to the basic composition. The book is heavenly; it will fill your spirit with energy and otherworldliness. This book can be the light you really want while exploring your life.

The book is very well-paced and well-described. Genuineness in composition will change your mind with confidence and love. The accounts referenced in the books feature the impact of Sai Baba's wonders on individuals.

By and large, it's an extraordinary read about confidence, otherworldliness, trust, and heavenly power. I certainly prescribe it to everybody.

Purchase: Eternal Divine Grace

#Bookishlife2022_ #bookreviews #spirituality #eternaldivinegrace 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

What Complain price is worth for your kid's health? | #63PercentMoreProtein

 What Complan price is worth for your kid's health?

Drinking nutritional powders in milk is becoming a must these days. Even in our childhood, I have been given many drinks that were adding to the nutrition value so that we could cope with the heavy burdens of studies and co-curricular activities. These days when studying is becoming so hectic and challenging, children should be given added nutrition to their daily needs or simple food intake.

What role does protein play in a child's development? 

Kids can be picky eaters, but luckily there are plenty of great options for adding protein to their diets outside of meals. "Milk is a really easy source of protein to give to kids, and it provides calcium and vitamin D, which are important nutrients for bone growth," says Williams. She also recommends other dairy products, like Greek yogurt, drinkable yogurts and cottage cheese.

Protein is essential for your child’s growth, maintenance and repair of the body. It contains key nutrients that are needed for your child’s health. Key nutrients that we also get from protein foods include ironomega 3s, zinc, B vitamins, vitamin Dcalcium and selenium. Proteins are the building blocks of body. They help repair and maintain tissues and, are very important for the growth of all organs and organ systems. Proteins also work as enzymes, antibodies, hormones and cellular messengers.  Top post on Blogchatter Therefore, proteins are essential for the growth and development of growing children.

Which protein rich foods aid in better brain functioning for kids?

Protein can be found most abundantly in animal-based products like meat, fish, and dairy. Also, protein can be found in non-animal-based products like beans, peas, nuts, seeds, and soy products for those who subscribe to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. Plant-based proteins are not complete proteins, but by combining them, we can obtain the essential amino acids we need. For example, eating rice and beans together, or consuming nuts and legumes. Therefore, it is important to vary your diet — especially if you eat only plant-based foods.

. Foods high in protein include:

  • Dairy like milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Beans and legumes
  • Seafood
  • Lean meats
  • Nuts and seeds


Protein is one of the three macronutrients our bodies require to function. Proteins are the building blocks of our tissues, muscles, hair, enzymes, antibodies, and much much more. Protein is incredibly important, particularly during periods of growth, exercise, and injury. As such, protein is vitally important to your child’s health. So one should begin drinking healthy drinks. 

*The views are expressed in the blog content are independent and unbiased views of the blogger. This is a part of the public awareness initiative supported by Complain.


Banana Chips | Homemade snack for kids

 Banana Chips


Oil for deep frying
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
Salt according to taste
5-6 raw bananas


  1. Take off and put bananas in plenty of salted iced water.
  2. Slice bananas with a chip slicer into water, and mix in turmeric.
  3. Keep for 10 minutes, remove out water fully.
  4. Spread out on a kitchen cloth to take off moisture.
  5. Heat up oil in a wok till smoky.
  6. Fry banana slices in one layer batches for a minute or two or until crisp.
  7. Lift chips with a slotted spoon and remove on paper towels.
  8. Sprinkle with salt before serving.
#BlogchatterFoodFest @blogchatter

Banana Cake | Wholegrain healthy cake recipe

 Wholegrain Banana Cake


For Cake

1 cup oat flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup(1stick) unsalted butter
2/3 cup brown sugar
1-1/2 cup mashed bananas about 3-4 large bananas
1/2 cup yoghurt
1 tsp vanilla extract ot essence
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup chocolate chips(optional)

For the crunch topping

3/4 cup old-fashioned oats
1/3 or 1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp unsalted butter, melted
1/4 cup chopped walnuts


  1. Preheat the oven to 350⁰ F for the cake batter. Grease on the 8-inch square pan. Whisk together the flour, soda and salt in a medium bowl.
  2. Cream butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl until light and fluffy.
  3. Add half of the flour and the bananas, yoghurt and vanilla. Add the remaining flour, nuts and chips.
  4. Mix until moistened.
  5.  Transfer the batter to the prepared pan.
  6. To make the topping: Combine all the dry ingredients(except nuts) in a bowl.
  7. Stir in the melted butter until the moisture forms a large crumble. Stir in chopped nuts.
  8. Sprinkle the topping over the batter in the pan.
  9. Bake until the edges pull away from the pan and a cake tester inserted in the centre comes out clean.( about 30-45 min)
  10. Remove and place on a rack to cool for 20 minutes before serving warm as it is or with ice cream.
#BlogchatterFoodFest @blogchatter #bananacakerecipe #homemadecakes #bananacake

Veg Salad with Yoghurt Dip

Veg Salad With Yoghurt Dip


1/4 cup Mint leaves
4 Cloves Garlic
8-10 Cherry Tomatoes
3 Medium Carrots
1 Medium white Radish
8-10 Leaves Ice Lettuce
2 Medium Cucumber
4 Cups of Skimmed Milk Yoghurt
1/4 tsp sesame seeds( White)
1 tsp Lemon Juice
Salt to taste


  1. Wash the cherry, tomatoes and cut them into halves.
  2. Peel carrots, wash and cut them into finger-sized pieces. Peel white radish, wash and cut into finger-sized pieces.
  3. Clean mint leaves, wash and reserve some leaves for decoration and chop the remaining.
  4. Peel and chop garlic finely.
  5. Wash red radish and quarter each. Wash lettuce leaves and soak in chilled water. Peel cucumber, wash and cut into finger-sized pieces.
  6. Hang skimmed milk Yoghurt in a muslin cloth to remove excess water. Toast the sesame seeds and cool.
  7. Combine thick yoghurt with chopped mint, lemon juice, sesame seeds and garlic. Mix thoroughly and add salt to taste and chill.
  8. Just before serving drain the lettuce leaves and spread on a serving plate, arrange the prepared vegetables decoratively and serve with the chilled dressing.

Drinks to tackle heat| Healthy drinks for summer

 Drinks to tackle heat

This summer, the scorching heat wave is taking a lot of lives. Almost all the cities are facing high temperatures ranging from 45°-55°Celsius. How much one tries to take precautions externally but it's essential to hydrate the body with energy-boosting drinks and reduce body heat.

1. Lassi

Lassi is a Punjabi yoghurt–based beverage with a smoothie-like consistency. It has been called "the most popular and traditional yoghurt-based drink" in India. It has also been described as the form in which yoghurt "is most cherished and unbeatably popular in [...] Punjab", its "best-loved summer drink", and "the air conditioner of the Punjab". Traditionally lassi was made by hand blending yoghurt with water and salt/sugar. Nowadays, it's easy to make lassi using a blender and get the same results.

2. Aam Panna

Aam Panna is amongst popular summer drinks in India which is made from the pulp of raw green mangoes. Besides being delicious, it offers multiple health benefits. It helps to keep the body refreshed and hydrated.  Aam Panna consists of around 179 calories and it is a great source of vitamin C, vitamin A, carbohydrates, iron, magnesium, folate, etc. Aam Panna is one of the best choices to add to your summer diet if you wish to keep your health in pristine condition. Drinking it during summer can have several health benefits and also help in excellent temperature regulation for the body. 

3. Smoothies

smoothie is a beverage made by puréeing ingredients in a blender. A smoothie commonly has a liquid base, such as fruit juice or milk, yoghurt or ice creamMany smoothies include large or multiple servings of fruits and vegetables, which are recommended in a healthy diet and intended to be a meal replacementFor a natural energy drink or a filling breakfast, try whizzing up one of our nutritious smoothies using seasonal fruit and veg.

I like drinking strawberry, green and kiwi fruit smoothies. It is best to cope with the heat this summer.

4. Nimbu Pani / Shikanjavi

Nimbu Pani and Shikanji are the Indian variants of lemonade or limeade made with fresh lemon or lime juice, water, sugar, salt and optionally a few ground spices. When the sun is fierce and the weather is hot, I turn to Nimbu Pani or Shikanji to cool down. These fast and easy-to-make beverages are rehydrating, refreshing and sold by street vendors and made at home.

5. Sharbat

Drinking homemade sharbats is one of the natural ways to beat the heat and stay hydrated. Sharbats are an excellent source of iron, manganese and B6 vitamins. The iron present in it may help improve blood circulation in the body. Whereas, the presence of manganese in it may help to regulate blood pressure levels to a considerable extent.

Sharbats are an excellent source of iron, manganese and B6 vitamins. The iron present in it may help improve blood circulation in the body. Whereas, the presence of manganese in it may help to regulate blood pressure levels to a considerable extent.


Summer drinks offer a plethora of benefits that go beyond quenching your thirst during the hot season. These refreshing beverages help to keep your body hydrated, replenishing essential fluids lost through perspiration. They also provide vital nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, to maintain overall health and boost immunity. Many summer drinks contain fruits and herbs with antioxidant properties, which help fight free radicals and protect your skin from sun damage.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ 
hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla 
in collaboration with 
Dr. Preeti Chauhan.

#BlogchatterFoodFest @blogchatter

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Talk Money to Me : The 8 Essential Financial Questions to Discuss With Your Partner by Jason Tartick | Book review

Book: Talk Money To Me
Author: Jason Tartick
Publisher: Harper Collins
Genre: Non-Fiction
Rating: 4.5/5

Book review:

Do you feel like talking about money when you are dating someone or about to marry them? Even I didn't bother talking about money and repented later. I don't feel it is customary to talk about your finances in detail before your marriage. I was too eager to explore money, as money is so essential these days. I feel everyone wants to get more money in any way possible. But how?

I found that this book guides a step-by-step procedure about what to expect while talking about money and the basic reasons why one should talk about money. The author begins by introducing himself as a banker for many years, but he is asked to quit. His only mistake was that he became a part of a podcast show and shared some of his personal talks in public, making it the sole reason for his loved ones and his employer to put questions on him and, lastly, resign.

But his problems haven't been resolved yet. He moves to his girlfriend's place after a few months of dating, which is far away from his original place. After shifting, he is in a kind of illusion about his future. He didn't question any promises or speak about financial plans before moving. Most of us, or I must say the majority of people, find it hard to talk about money and later suffer its consequences. The author, too, suffered. So he finally penned down the common mistakes each individual makes and how to check reality about money or how to pay less for more money.
He begins by guiding us about credit scores and how they can strengthen or worsen our financial position. So it is high time when everyone begins learning about money and talking frankly with their partner about money. It is the need of the hour. It is never too late, even if you are married. Also, speak about your priorities and needs openly. 
He talks about basic questions:
💧What is your credit score?
💧What are your annual expenses?
💧How much do you make?
💧What is your debt-to-income ratio?
💧What is your net worth?
💧What is your risk tolerance?
💧At what age do you want to retire?
One is not gambling with Monopoly money here. This is one's future nest egg for him and his partner. Both are a team; both are one. That's why before one takes action, one needs to have an open conversation with one's partner, and more likely than not, you'll need to compromise. So protecting your relationship and your future together is more important than chasing the white whale of high-risk, high-reward investments.

The author has well-researched the shortcomings one faces and provided handy solutions to all issues related to money. He guides you to think before you step into any commitment. He has well explained common issues and how to check one's present position by sharing all links and related stories for better understanding. 

I learnt about how to break bad money habits by Rookie Method and Pro Method. I was completely startled when he discussed debts and how to overcome them.

Overall, the book is quite informative, but the basic links are provided only for US citizens. Other readers can also refer to the tips and find them easily relatable. A good read.

Purchase: Talk Money To Me

 #HarperCollins #TBRChallenge #Blogchatter #Bookchatter #Bookishlife2022_ #nonfiction #talkmoneytome #bookrecommendations #bookreview #bookreviews #money  

Unraveling the Mystery of Chandrayan Gupta’s “Reason to Fight”


In the thrilling pages of "Reason to Fight," Chandrayan Gupta weaves a narrative that transcends the typical crime thriller by blending elements of psychological drama, complex human relationships, and the inception of an unlikely romance. This gripping tale explores the darker recesses of human nature, leaving readers both intrigued and chilled by its chilling revelations.

The story begins with the tragic and mysterious death of a television actor's son. The police, quick to close the case, ruled it a suicide. However, the grieving father, unable to accept this conclusion, turns to his niece, Radha Bose, for help. Radha is no ordinary private investigator. She is a former soldier who exited the military under harrowing circumstances and is haunted by PTSD, adding a lot of depth to her character and methods.

Radha's entry into the investigation marks the beginning of a journey fraught with personal demons and external dangers. Her PTSD is not just a background detail but a pivotal aspect of her character, influencing her decisions and interactions. This portrayal adds a layer of realism to her character, making her both relatable and compelling.
Parallel to Radha's narrative is the story of Aditya Gokhale, a teenager grappling with his own demons. Cynical and sardonic, Aditya has recently attempted suicide and subsequently dropped out of college. His therapist, in an attempt to help him find purpose and direction, suggests he assist a friend—a certain female private investigator. This suggestion is the catalyst for the intertwining of Aditya's and Radha's lives.
The dynamic between Radha and Aditya is one of the novel's highlights. Their relationship, marked by initial reluctance and eventual mutual respect, evolves naturally and adds emotional depth to the story. Aditya's sarcasm and Radha's hardened exterior create a compelling contrast, providing moments of levity amidst the intense investigation.

As Radha and Aditya delve deeper into the case, what initially seemed like a straightforward investigation unravels into a labyrinth of lies, deception, greed, and betrayal. Gupta's narrative skillfully leads readers through twists and turns, each more shocking than the last. The suspects, each with their own secrets and motives, add to the suspense, making it difficult to discern who can be trusted.

The antagonist of the story is a murderer so cold and calculating that they leave a trail of fear and uncertainty in their wake. Gupta's portrayal of this character is chilling, their actions and motivations revealing the darkest aspects of human nature. The eventual confrontation between the investigators and the murderer is a culmination of the tension that has been building throughout the novel, delivering a satisfying yet unsettling resolution.

"Reason to Fight" is more than just a crime thriller; it is a study of human resilience and the complexities of the human psyche. Radha and Aditya, each battling their own inner demons, find strength in their partnership, highlighting themes of redemption and personal growth. Their journey is a testament to the human spirit's ability to persevere in the face of overwhelming odds.

The novel also subtly addresses societal issues, such as mental health and the stigma surrounding it. By depicting Radha's PTSD and Aditya's depression with sensitivity and realism, Gupta brings attention to these important topics, encouraging empathy and understanding.

In conclusion, "Reason to Fight" by Chandrayan Gupta is a compelling read that offers more than just a typical crime story. It is a rich tapestry of psychological depth, emotional complexity, and thrilling suspense. Radha Bose and Aditya Gokhale's journey is one that will stay with readers long after the final page is turned, making this novel a must-read for fans of the genre. Gupta's ability to blend various elements seamlessly into a cohesive and gripping narrative marks "Reason to Fight" as a standout work in contemporary fiction.

The book is available in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover versions. Get the copy of your choice from here:


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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Clowders by Vanessa Morgan

by Vanessa Morgan
Publication date: March 1st 2018
Genres: Adult, Supernatural, Thriller


Clervaux, Luxembourg. This secluded, picturesque town in the middle of Europe is home to more cats than people. For years, tourists have flocked to this place – also known as “cat haven” – to meet the cats and buy cat-related souvenirs.

When Aidan, Jess and their five-year-old daughter, Eleonore, move from America to Clervaux, it seems as if they’ve arrived in paradise. It soon becomes evident, though, that the inhabitants’ adoration of their cats is unhealthy. According to a local legend, each time a cat dies, nine human lives are taken as a punishment. To tourists, these tales are supernatural folklore, created to frighten children on cold winter nights. But for the inhabitants of Clervaux, the danger is horrifyingly real.

Initially, Aidan and Jess regard this as local superstition, but when Jess runs over a cat after a night on the town, people start dying, one by one, and each time it happens, a clowder of cats can be seen roaming the premises.

Are they falling victim to the collective paranoia infecting the entire town? Or is something unspeakably evil waiting for them?

Their move to Europe may just have been the worst decision they ever made.

FREE for a limited time only!



Saturday, June 15, 2024

Need You Now by Maria K. Alexander (A Pelican Bay Novella)

 Need You Now

by Maria K. Alexander
(A Pelican Bay Novella)
Publication date: June 2nd 2024
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance


Can two lost souls reunite in time to save her shop and their hearts?

Abby O’Connell returned to Pelican Bay to start a new chapter of her life. With the revitalization of the hurricane-ravaged beach town, it’s a perfect time to open the bath and body product shop she’s always dreamed of. But with her place looking more like a construction zone, the risk of not being ready for opening day is high. Just when she thinks things can’t get worse, she takes a fall on the beach, only to be rescued by her sexy surfer ex.

Connor Maguire was always the party guy. In recovery from a substance abuse disorder, he’s gotten his act together and now is a partner in a home improvement business and co-host of a reality TV show. Surfing has always been a way to escape his worries while becoming one with the waves. When he witnesses a woman fall on the beach, the last person he expects is the girl whose heart he broke ten years ago.

With a week until the grand opening of her shop, can he use his renovation skills to bring her shop and their hearts to life without risking his hard-earned recovery?

Friday, June 14, 2024

Book review | The Puppeteer by Ajit Menon , Anil Verma | The Panther’s Ghosts Series

Book: The Puppeteer
Author: Ajit Menon, Anil Verma
Publisher: Westland Books
Genre: Thriller, Mystery
Rating: 5/5

Book review:

"The Puppeteer' is the second book in "The Panther's Ghosts" series, chronicling the courageous excursion of Indian knowledge organizations, particularly the secretives of all. This book, not at all like the main book in the series, makes a considerably more persuading, vivid universe of civil servants and spies.

It's a spine-chilling set in the realm of surveillance, including the country's perplexing strategic manoeuvres, including political shows. Prime Minister of the country, Damodar Das, The Panther drives a confidential unit. At the point when a danger to the country emerges in a progression of occasions caused by the Sandesar siblings' burglary, Panther's ghost faces the hardest mission.

As India wrestles with mounting difficulties, questions proliferate: Will the country's striking new guarded system demonstrate viability against its enemies? Might The Puma's Apparitions at any point endure the hardship of their most recent mission sound? What's more, maybe most urgently, as pressures heighten, is the second ready for the cryptic puppeteer to step onto the stage? As the country wavers on the verge, the solutions to these inquiries hold the way into its future.

The writer's composing style is drawing in, with clear portrayals, meticulousness, and profundity. In any case, now and again, the story has rare leaps and turns out to be slow-paced, feeling like a data dump. Psychological warfare, patriotism, and the boundaries of hostile protection precepts—everything is envisioned entirely in this book. The consistent exciting bends in the road make me stuck to the page.

The characters in "The Puppeteer" are a different and convincing pack, each with their own inspirations and mysteries. From the undaunted initiative of The Panther to the blazing assurance of characters like Raj and Geeta, each individual from The Panther's Ghosts feels like a completely acknowledged person. The writers capably investigate topics of enthusiasm, penance, and reliability, making a story that resounds long after the last page is turned.

The book is loaded with activity-stuffed groupings and serious snapshots of tension. The Panther's Ghosts missions and tasks are all around them, displaying their abilities and creativity. The writers have a firm comprehension of the covert operative class and successfully create pressure and energy through the characters' activities and the snags they face.

Generally, "The Puppeteer" is a tale about the lengths we'll go to safeguard what we hold dear. It's a story of courage despite misfortune, of penance for everyone's benefit, and of the solid bonds that integrate us as a country. I'm anticipating reading the third book in the series. Highly recommended!

Purchase: The Puppeteer 

#bookishlife2022_ #thriller #mystery #bookrecommendations #bookblogger #thepanthersghosts

Rough Edges by Elsa Jacobs

 Rough Edges

by Elsa Jacobs
Publication date: April 25th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Two teenage boys’ shared love for basketball brings their single parents together.

Laura Fields, a spirited head nurse, juggles the demands of her work life and the tough work of single motherhood. Her history with relationships isn’t great. But maybe the secret crush she has on a colleague will be different…

Bennett Keller, a ruggedly handsome supervisor at the local paper factory, sports inked skin that tells a tale of love, loss, and a vow to never love again.

So when their boys become fast friends on the court and off, the parents find themselves seeing a lot of each other. As Laura and Bennett’s lives entwine, they navigate the delicate balance of new love while honoring the memories that shaped them. In Meadows Creek, with its tranquil charm and supportive community, two people find themselves with a second chance at love. But will they take the risk of getting hurt again?

Get ready for a love story with a slam dunk!

Many Ramayanas, Many Lessons by Anand Neelakantan

 Many Ramayanas, Many Lessons by Anand Neelakantan | Book Review This book presents insightful stories from our epic. I enjoyed reading the ...